Thursday, May 21, 2015

BIB REPORT: Heels and Wheels Duathlon

The Skinny:
23 of 90

It was my second year running this event since finding only finding out about it the year before. I have had inclinations of trying to run a Triathlon the last couple of seasons but this is as far as Ive gotten so far. The Heels and Wheels Duathlon is a 5K run to start, an 18K bike in the middle, and a 3K run to finish. In my first running at this event last year I felt pretty good about myself finishing in 1:19:58 which put me 10th overall and 1st in my age group. So this year I was eager to see how much I could improve!

The morning of the race started off well. My wife and I made our way out to the Campus of Johnson University early where the event was held. The weather was good as well. A little cloud cover and decently cool temperatures. I did notice on the way in that we were in a line of vehicles with bike racks on them all apparently headed to the same place. I thought, "It looks like theres gonna be a good turn out this year." I had no idea.

Once we got there I unloaded the bike and started to make my way to the staging area. Just as I started to head that way though, I had a feeling of dread come over me. "I forgot my helmet!" I said to my wife. My brain went into panic mode at that point as it was a good 30 minute drive back to the house to get it. There wouldnt be time. My wife suggested trying to look for one at a Wal-Mart or something, but I didnt want to start a wild goose chase this close to race time. We decided to call my son, Dakota, who was still at home, and get him meet my wife halfway with my helmet. This would allow her to get back with it before I would be back to the bike transition area after my first run.

As it turned out, my wife was able to make it back in time to see the race start after putting what I thought was "my" helmet on my bike in the transition area. The first segment of the race is a 5K which starts on a slight uphill on asphalt before flattening out and turning onto a gravel road after a hairpin turn around 3/4 of a mile in. The course follows the gravel road for a short distance up a slight incline before turning to grass. The course follows a "mowed" strip through a rolling route until about the 1 1/2 mile mark. The course starts back on a gravel road again briefly at this point before heading back to the grass. At about the 2 mile mark the course jumps a small creek and begins a slow right hand turn until we reach the woods and a very steep uphill  section for about a 1/4 of a mile. A lot of folks begin a walk here which is a good opportunity for a few passes. The course continues through the woods on a rolling trail for around a 1/2 mile before coming back out onto the grass briefly and then heading to the asphalt for around the last 1/4 mile or so to the transition area.

The crowd thins out a bit in transition as some of those that were running the 5K course were only running that portion and continue on to the finish. The rest head to transition to begin the bike portion. I got to my bike and checked my watch. I was about 3 minutes ahead of last years time after the run which I was pretty stoked about. In hindsight, I may have let my intensity down at this point a bit thinking I was a good bit ahead of where I wanted to be. I grabbed my bike off the rack and my wife handed me my helmet. I grabbed a quick Gel, and started to put my helmet on, only it was way too tight. I took it back off and tried to loosen it. Still too tight. I tried a third time and finally got it to buckle, but honestly, it was still too tight, but I went ahead and started to make my way out of transition. Once I was on the road the helmet still bothered me a little, but I couldnt take time to stop and adjust it any more. Finally it dawned on me. This wasnt my helmet, it was my daughters helmet and my son had grabbed it because it was the only helmet he saw. Why was it the only helmet he saw at home? Because my actual helmet was where it always is, in the extra cab of my truck. Its always there. My mind was so clouded that morning trying to remember everything as I headed out the door I apparently fooled myself into thinking I had forgotten it at home. Although it was a little uncomfortable, the wrong helmet didnt really effect my ride. I ended up finishing with almost the exact time on the bike as the year before. Also ended up getting passed by at least 7 to 8 riders with actual Tri bikes, just like last year. I did notice in transition that there where a LOT more bikes on the rack than last year and several more "elite" athletes as well. Its hard to maintain the lead I gain on the 5K portion when there are folks out there with $2000 bikes. On the bright side, my wife got a good laugh out of my helmet fiasco when I got back to transition.

After transitioning off the bike I headed out for the final leg of the race, a 3K run over much of the same course as the 5K except for the trip up the big hill and the rolling woods section of the course. I ended up running this entire leg by myself. I did end up catching another runner toward the finish, but I wasnt able to pass them before the end.

Overall, I ended up feeling a little disappointed with my effort because I had felt great before and during the race, but wasting too much time in transition(four times as much time as last year) it cost me a better finish. In the end I ended up finishing exactly 7 seconds faster than my overall time last year. I was still a respectable 23rd out of 90 though. Still a great event though, and Ill be back next year with another years worth of training.

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